Softball Coaching Tips – Doing Team Building Activities

I was just reading an article about a college team doing team building using rope courses right before the season. I think it’s a great idea, especially for girls. You see, while team chemistry is a key performance factor in our sport, it’s an even more important for female athletes. That’s because girls and women tend to … Read more

Softball Mental Training – Habit of Success #2 – Commit to Continuous Learning

Here is the next habit of success to help you achieve all your dreams in the coming year.  Commit to these habit of success and you’ll experience tremendous success. HABIT OF SUCCESS #2 – Commit to Continous Learning Someone once said that the day you stop learning, you stop living. A common characteristics of the … Read more

Softball Mental Training – Habit of Success #1 – Become a Lifelong Optimist

I don’t know if you are like me but every year at this time,I’m thinking about what I’d like to accomplish  and what goals I’d like to achieve in the coming year. There are always a fair number. Do I achieve them all? Of course not. But I still have a pretty good batting average. … Read more

Mental Training – How Negative Thinking Can Really Destructive

I started working with my team officially this weekend with our first practice yesterday. We have a good hitting team. And yesterday, I was introducing a few simple softball hitting concepts mostly about stance, rythm and loading/trigger/negative movements. I have one player who said “I can’t do it”. What? “I can’t do it. My body … Read more

Softball Coaching and Parenting – The Famous Post-Game Talk

It happens all the time – errors and mistakes. Softball is full of it. In fact, it’s a sport of errors. The team that makes the least usually wins. At the younger levels, teams don’t get beat, they beat themselves. Coaches and parents are in most cases very well-intented. They want to help their kid … Read more

Mental Training – Making The Olympics in Your Mind

Have you ever noticed that Kids dream all the time about what they want? I sure did. They have a phenomenal capacity to see themselves as successful, accomplishing extraordinary things. The theater of their mind features success stories about themselves every single day. We call it mental imagery or visualization or “daydreaming”. Whatever we call … Read more

Softball Tryouts – How To Control Your Nervousness

Last year, I was talking to a softball player who I know very well. She absolutely loves softball and has also a great personality. Always smiling, polite, upbeat, and pleasant to be around. She told me she was trying out for an elite 16U travel team in her area and that she was really nervous. … Read more