Softball Tryouts – How To Control Your Nervousness

Last year, I was talking to a softball player who I know very well. She absolutely loves softball and has also a great personality. Always smiling, polite, upbeat, and pleasant to be around.

She told me she was trying out for an elite 16U travel team in her area and that she was really nervous.

After talking to her for a while, I realized that she spend too much time focusing on others and not enough on her.

Comparing herself to the other players trying out made her even more nervous.

And you know what happens when you are too nervous?

Yes, you make more mistakes and don’t perform as well.

Why add pressure and stress when you already have a lot of it?

You see, if you start comparing yourself to the other athletes that you are trying out with, it takes you away from your own game.

While it’s not always easy to do, the only thing you want to focus on yourself and what you control.

You don’t control what others do. Don’t pay much attention to what the others do and just do your own thing.

That will definitely help you reduce your level of stress and nervousness.

Do you get nervous, anxious, stressed out, or even freaked out when undergoing an evaluation?

If so, it’s normal. Most people do. It’s actually a normal human reaction.

Some nervousness is good, too much is detrimental.

The key is to manage it well. Start by focusing on yourself and don’t worry or pay attention to others during the tryouts.

You stress level will thank you for it.

Who loves ya? 😉

Train hard. Play hard.

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