Softball Conditioning Leads to Major Benefits

I’ve been designing softball conditioning programs for over 10 years. Let me tell you that softball conditioning can really help improve a player’s game. Yet, a lot of softball players don’t take it seriously know. They know that getting in good shape by doing softball conditioning would help their game but somehow they don’t give it enough importance or focus. My … Read more

Softball Pitching – Critical Information You Must Know

I just got my hands on a very interesting article  that deals with overuse injures of softball pitchers. It was published in Training and Conditioning Magazine a few weeks ago. This is the official professional magazines of athletic trainers. These are the people that works with sports teams and take care of injured athletes. Colleagues … Read more

Softball Mental Training – Habit of Success #2 – Commit to Continuous Learning

Here is the next habit of success to help you achieve all your dreams in the coming year.  Commit to these habit of success and you’ll experience tremendous success. HABIT OF SUCCESS #2 – Commit to Continous Learning Someone once said that the day you stop learning, you stop living. A common characteristics of the … Read more

Softball Mental Training – Habit of Success #1 – Become a Lifelong Optimist

I don’t know if you are like me but every year at this time,I’m thinking about what I’d like to accomplish  and what goals I’d like to achieve in the coming year. There are always a fair number. Do I achieve them all? Of course not. But I still have a pretty good batting average. … Read more

Softball Hitting – Effective Two-Strike Hitting

Last night, I was doing a 30-minute consultation with a 14-year-old young lady that is part of a package her dad bought for her. I’ve got to tell ya, I was impressed by the quality of her questions. Most of her questions were on how to get faster and how to get better results at … Read more

Softball Fielding Tips – How to Avoid Errors

Have you ever noticed that softball is a sport of errors? There are all kinds of errors. They happen in every game. Usually, the team that makes the least amount of errors wins. What is the cause of all these errors? Most of the time, errors are caused by one of these 4 factors: 1) … Read more

Softball Training – Are You Making These Warm-Up Mistakes?

You know warm-ups are important. I see two major mistakes being done all the time in softball regarding warm-ups. MISTAKE #1 – Using An Old School, Traditional Warm-Up You see, traditional (or “old school”) warm-ups, you know the warm-ups where you run a lap or two around the field and then you sit down in … Read more

Softball Conditioning Tips – Working Out When Life Gets in the Way

If you are serious about building yourself up for next season, your off-season training involve doing skills training (hitting, pitching, fielding, etc.), sports conditioning and maybe some form of mental/vision training. At times, life gets in the way (vacations, exams or homework, bad weather, general fatigue, sickness, family function, etc.) and we may have weeks … Read more

Softball Coaching and Training – The Importance of Video Analysis

As I told you 2 days ago, I spent the weekend doing professional development in Portland, Oregon. I took the NFCA Coaches College 402 course on advanced analysis of hitting and pitching with Kirk Walker, Margie Wright and Don Slaught. While I had previously been exposed to a lot of the course material, you still … Read more