Softball Coaching and Training – The Importance of Video Analysis

As I told you 2 days ago, I spent the weekend doing professional development in Portland, Oregon.

I took the NFCA Coaches College 402 course on advanced analysis of hitting and pitching with Kirk Walker, Margie Wright and Don Slaught.

While I had previously been exposed to a lot of the course material, you still learn a lot from spending a weekend with some of the greatest minds in the sport of baseball and softball.

You are never done learning. Attending these kind of courses help you stay on the cutting edge, pick up new drills, new tips, new techniques, new cues and new ideas.

Sharing experiences with other attendees is also very insightful.

If you aren’t attending conferences, clinics or these kind of courses- you definitely should. It’s worth it big time.

One thing that struck me this weekend is how much video can help you.

I have always thought video was important but this weekend really opened my eyes.

We spent the whole weekend dissecting pitchers and hitters using video.

There are just so many things that you see on video that you wouldn’t see otherwise with the naked eye because how fast these skills are executed in real life.

Really – there are lot of things that you see on slow motion that you never realize just looking at live hitters and pitchers.

Everybody should use video in some capacity to help them improve and get better;it’s too great and too effective of a tool to ignore.

Today, there are absolutely no reason why someone shouldn’t use video.

The technology is now very accessible and fairly easy to use.

A simple camcorder that you link to a computer will do the work.

No need for expensive software even though it can certainly be of tremendous help.

This is really a no-brainer.

If you aren’t doing video by now, what are you waiting for???

Alright, time to go packing now. I am taking a very early flight back to Montreal.

Talk to you soon.

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