Softball Training – How Strength Makes You Faster

Yesterday, I told you that if you want to get faster, you need to get stronger. Let me tell you why. Muscles do produce forces. When you apply forces to the ground with strong and powerful steps, the ground gives you back that energy. Basic principle of physics. Think of it this way. If you … Read more

Mental Training – How Negative Thinking Can Really Destructive

I started working with my team officially this weekend with our first practice yesterday. We have a good hitting team. And yesterday, I was introducing a few simple softball hitting concepts mostly about stance, rythm and loading/trigger/negative movements. I have one player who said “I can’t do it”. What? “I can’t do it. My body … Read more

Softball Coaching and Parenting – The Famous Post-Game Talk

It happens all the time – errors and mistakes. Softball is full of it. In fact, it’s a sport of errors. The team that makes the least usually wins. At the younger levels, teams don’t get beat, they beat themselves. Coaches and parents are in most cases very well-intented. They want to help their kid … Read more

Softball Training – Warm-Up – A Lesson from the Pro

Last year, I went to see the Phillys play in Philadelphia. Since the Expos left Montreal for Washington, I haven’t had the chance to watch a lot of  pro baseball games live. I got there early. I wanted to obverse. Have you ever watched major league players prepare for a game? It’s a beauty to … Read more

Softball Training – Why Do You Warm-up?

This morning, I was giving a lecture to a group of young college students on how to work out. I started by talking about warm-ups. I asked them: “Why do you need to warm-up?” I got answers like… “Not to get injured” “To make your body warm” and many of the variations of both answers … Read more

Softball Training – Stop Running, Start Sprinting

Do you “still” run around forever or do hours and hours of “slow-go” cardio on treadmills or stationary bikes? May I tell you something… we are in the 21st century! These practices are out of date for softball. They are what we call “old school” stuff that has since been replaced by much better practices. … Read more

Mental Training – Making The Olympics in Your Mind

Have you ever noticed that Kids dream all the time about what they want? I sure did. They have a phenomenal capacity to see themselves as successful, accomplishing extraordinary things. The theater of their mind features success stories about themselves every single day. We call it mental imagery or visualization or “daydreaming”. Whatever we call … Read more

Softball Tryouts Tips – Going Beyong Skills and Talent When Selecting Athletes

Identifying talent and predicting the future success of an athlete is as reliable as the weather forecast for next week. In other words, not reliable at all. Despite years of research, there are only a handful of true predictors of athletic success that have been identified. When selecting their team, coaches will use a variety … Read more