Softball Hitting – How to Hit Homeruns

Hitting homeruns or rocket shots ain’t easy. However, curiously, if you ask any hitter who just hit one out of the park to describe what she was thinking about right before she hit the ball and how her swing felt – you will find that most hitters will give you pretty similar answers. If you … Read more

Coaching Youth Softball – Working with the Body, Not Against It

They say that… ..the day you stop learning you die. ..coaches who stop going to clinics and courses and always seeking better ways of doing things should retire. …all the most successful people in society are lifelong learners and never stop learning. Well, since I am not anywhere close to dying or retiring and that … Read more

Softball Training Tips – How iPods Can Help You Perform Better

Not long ago, I wrote about how cell phones (texting, talking, email, etc.) can be negatively impact a player’s focus, social interaction within a group environment, and even lead to rudeness and direspect sometimes. Are Cell Phones Negatively Affecting You and your Team? Kids aren’t only addicted to cell phones, they are also addicted to … Read more

Are Cell Phones Negatively Affecting You and Your Team?

The other day, I was reading a article in a coaching magazine that was sort of a debriefing about the summer Olympics. I found one of the elements discussed by the author very interesting and definitely something I can relate to – how the presence of cell phones might negatively affect an athlete’s performance and … Read more

6 Mental Training Tips – How to Improve Your Mental Toughness

The mental is such a big part of our game. It’s often the determining factor between success or failure. Almost every day, I get emails from players, coaches, and parents about how to improve confidence or be mentally tougher. I thought I would share with you a few tips to help you become almost instantly … Read more

Softball Hitting – Batting Practice is Much More Than Swing Training

Today, I was talking to the coach of a 14U team who is struggling at the plate. They haven’t been hitting well this year at all. After asking him several questions, it became pretty clear what the problem might be. You see – according to him, they work a lot on hitting. I told him … Read more

Softball Training – The Importance of Recovery and Regeneration

It’s the Thanksgiving break in the US. Notice the word “break”. At some point, the body always need a break to “recover and regenerate”. It could also be said that you need to “relax and re-energize”. No matter how you say it – it’s the fact that you do it that counts. You see, the … Read more

Softball Conditioning – Quick Workouts Do Work!

Tonight, while driving back from practice, I was listening to my voice messages on my cool new iPhone. One of the messages was from one of the elite members of my Softball Peak Performance Club. Since I had about 30 minutes of driving to do. I decided to call him back right away. Personal phone … Read more

Softball Pitching – How To Easily Get 80% of Batters Out

I’ve coached at pretty much all levels of the game going from rec 8U to college and international softball in the ast 20 years. I’ve coached and watched a lot of softball games in my life. A couple of years ago, I even spent an entire summer scouting (charting pitches, identifying pitching patterns, measuring speed, … Read more

Softball Hitting – How to Quickly Increase Bat Control

The best hitters in the world (those with great batting averages) have extremely good bat control. They may not have the most power but they basically can do what they want with a bat. This is a common characteristics of elite hitters – they control their bat. Working on bat control is certainly not as … Read more