Softball Conditioning Leads to Major Benefits

I’ve been designing softball conditioning programs for over 10 years. Let me tell you that softball conditioning can really help improve a player’s game.

Yet, a lot of softball players don’t take it seriously know. They know that getting in good shape by doing softball conditioning would help their game but somehow they don’t give it enough importance or focus.

My belief is that either lack the motivation to work out or they aren’t sold enough to the idea of making softball conditioning a priority.

Here is a list of 20 reasons why you MUST make softball conditioning an important part of your training if you want to become the best you can be and dominate on the softball field.

When you follow a well-designed softball-specific conditioning program that uses the same advanced training techniques and innovative exercises that the best players in the world use, you will…

You will…

  1. Reach, stretch and get more of those “oh-so-close” balls
  2. Swing the bat harder and hit the ball further
  3. Be mentally toughness
  4. Get better jumps off the bases
  5. Be much more confident and feel stronger
  6. Run down more balls in the field
  7. Get it faster when learning or refining a skill because of increased body awareness
  8. Steal more bases
  9. Stay healthy and avoid injuries
  10. React faster
  11. Pitch faster and throw harder
  12. Develop an athletic body
  13. Get more extra bases when running
  14. Explode out of the batter’s box
  15. Recover faster between innings and games
  16. Have more stamina for long games and tournaments
  17. Practice longer without being tired or losing your focus
  18. Be much more consistent and have less “ups and downs”
  19. Tolerate heat better and perform when it’s really hot
  20. Be more dominant in all aspects of the game

I could come up with even more benefits but I think this list makes my point that you have to take softball conditioning seriously if you want to achieve elite performances on the field.

It used to be that being in shape for softball was an edge on your opponents but it ain’t true anymore. Today, you have to be in great softball-specific shape to compete at the highest level. If you are out of shape, you are now at a disadvantage.

Softball conditioning is now an integral part of what serious and committed softball players do to get themselves ready to compete.

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