Softball Fielding Tips – Key Points to Remember for Outfielders

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  • On short throws to the infield use one step and throw.
  • On medium to long throws use the crow hop for momentum.
  • An overhead throw is essential to create a good vertical spin.
  • Exaggerate your follow through by reaching for the grass after your throw.
  • Propel your glove arm through to behind your body for even more momentum.
  • Make straight-line throws. A ball that bounces twice on a straight line is better than a rainbow throw.

Catching Fly Balls:

  • Always catch with two hands.
  • The ideal position for catching a fly ball is above the head and slightly in front of the throwing shoulder.
  • The first movement of an outfielder should be a drop step back.
  • Locate the ball and determine the angle you should take.
  • When time permits, circle around the ball and take your momentum forward through the ball online with your target.
  • Use a direct line to the ball when you need to be quick.
  • Always keep your eyes on the ball.
  • Know your surroundings in the field you are playing.
  • Run on the balls of your feet using good running technique. Don’t extend your glove until the last moment.
  • Use your arms to sprint to the ball and then make the catch.

Fielding Ground Balls:

  • Always keep the ball in front of your body. Remember; you are the last line of defense.
  • Know the game situation. For example, if you do not have a play at the plate on a runner scoring, hold a possible force play.
  • Always block uncontrollable balls unless there is a do-or-die game situation. Dive for short pop fly’s in front of you.
  • Don’t dive for hard hit balls if there is no back up.

Other Notes:

  • Communication is important when playing the outfield.
  • You are the last line of defense so make sure everyone and everything is covered.
  • Let your teammates know if you are playing deep/shallow or for the pull/opposite field.
  • Always call the ball if you can make the catch.
  • Have a good relaxed ready position to get a good jump on the ball.
  • Outfielders should step into every pitch. This will allow you to have your weight on the balls of your feet and ready to move in any given direction.
  • Be mentally prepared for every situation.
  • Before a player comes to the plate, review all of the possible options: Know where the batter likes to hit the ball
  • Know where you should throw the ball and where to be on backups.
  • Never be a spectator!
  • There is a place for you on every play!
  • Know the field and the weather conditions.
  • Before the game, take a look at the outfield and identify any hazards such as a rough and bumpy ground, sprinkler heads and water drains.
  • Check the wind direction, the angle of the sun and at night the lights on the field, it might have an effect on the ball.
  • Never be caught off guard when the ball takes a bad hop, skips on wet grass or gets caught in the sun.